Rise of Community Supported Agriculture During Pandemic a Signal from Consumers

Tracking the rise of community-supported agriculture, or CSAs.

From the outset of the pandemic, Community Supported Agriculture programs throughout the country saw a surge in demand as the worldwide food supply chain ground to a halt.  Health-conscious consumers wanted to make sure they had access to a reliable source of fruits and veggies, and farms large and small in communities across the country were suddenly booming.

CSAs also provided a convenience factor, as people no longer had to brave the madness of the grocery store during COVID-19 related restrictions.  And instead of selecting from display cases filled with questionable produce that has lost most of its shelf life and nutritional value in transit, consumers found growers right down the street — and many of them haven’t looked back.

hydroponic container farms - community supported agriculture

Community-supported agriculture is made much easier by the trend of container farming, a fast-growing market that has buy-in from a broad spectrum of producers and end users. Natural Grocers recognized the benefit of growing vegetables on site at its stores, and partnered with Colorado-based FarmBox Foods, a manufacturer of automated container farms that grow leafy greens, peppers, culinary herbs and even gourmet mushrooms.

CSAs offer membership to both individuals and suppliers.  Members pay an upfront fee in return for a share of what the farm grows and harvests during a specific season.  

According to Vera Fabian, an operator of a CSA in Cedar Grove, North Carolina, who was interviewed for an article for Eater.com, demand for CSA membership is even higher this year than it was in 2020.

Learn more about CSAs at www.localharvest.org/csa/.

Year-round community gardens can operate as CSAs

View The FarmBox Gourmet Mushroom Container Farm

View Mushroom Farm

Are We Approaching Global Warming and Climate Change Wrong?

Exploring a way around the unsustainable trend of clearing forests for agricultural purposes

Global Warming - Plant A Tree


There is a battle going on today over global warming and climate change and what to do about it. One side believes that increasingly abnormal weather patterns are a natural occurrence whether there is an increase in carbon emissions or not. They believe there is evidence that suggests that climate is cyclical and not really impacted by environmental changes or that the environmental changes are not significant enough to alter what has been unpredictable patterns in earth’s weather patterns.

The other side believes that increasing CO2 emissions have altered and continue to alter the weather patterns, and has ultimately been responsible for the increase in hurricanes, tornados, heat waves, cold spells, excessive rain, droughts, and pretty much any increase or decrease in weather patterns. This line of thinking says that the carbon emission increases are permanently destroying the earth’s ice caps, water security, food security, and ultimately the ability to sustain life.


The argument revolves around carbon emissions and our inability to regulate the human impact on said levels. The push is to regulate transportation, population, consumption of water and food, production of goods, or pretty much every facet of our daily life as we now know it. Here in the United States, there are those who believe that we cannot alone make a difference if other countries are not following the same path. Others believe that we must take the lead in order for others to follow. This is the conundrum we all find ourselves in. However, maybe we’re looking at this the wrong way. What if both sides have validity? What if there was a solution that both sides of the argument could agree on 100%?


There has been a decrease in forest land around the world for decades now. There have been warnings for as long as this has been happening, yet we have forgotten about the decimation of these natural habitats. Deforestation is the leading cause of 15% of carbon emissions. (The World Counts)

According to some estimates, tropical rainforests store more than 210 gigatons of CO2 absorbed from the atmosphere.

Trees absorb greenhouse gases, and they produce oxygen and water vapor that they then release into the atmosphere. However, after deforestation, these gases are left unchecked in the atmosphere, creating a layer of ozone that traps heat, leading to global warming.

Arguably, our carbon emissions have been going up as the natural forests have been increasingly eliminated, therefore making it close to impossible to get control of. If we were to concentrate on replenishing forests at an equal rate by which they are being destroyed, at minimum our carbon levels might remain relatively the same. Imagine if we could start to build back the forest to levels seen in previous decades, we might actually lower carbon emissions naturally rather than fighting over how to get it done and who has to give up what in order to save our planet. Consider this:

*The world lost 20 million acres of primary forest between 1990 and 2020. (FAO)

*Even though the loss rate slowed down by half from 2010 to 2020, we’re still losing too much primary forest, according to the rainforest destruction figures.

*Trees absorb the carbon dioxide that humans exhale, but they also trap the greenhouse gases we create every day.

*Deforestation leaves animals without homes. But it also allows these gasses to go into the atmosphere, increasing global warming. For these reasons, our focus is on the wrong area. Consider these staggering statistics; *Deforestation is the leading cause of 15% of carbon emissions. (The World Counts)

*According to deforestation and climate change stats published by Al Jazeera, Amazon’s carbon emissions rose by 9.6% in 2019.

*More than 20% of the world’s primary forest loss occurred in Canada. (ThoughtCo.)

*About 1,740 square miles of the Brazilian Amazon rainforest were destroyed between 2017 and 2019. (Mongabay)

*According to Haiti deforestation facts from Pacific Standard, the country may completely lose its rainforests in just 20 years. ()

*Bolivia is the fifth leading country in deforestation. (Mighty Earth)

*From 2001 to 2019, Indonesia lost 93% of tree cover in areas where deforestation is predominant. (Global Forest Watch)

*Deforestation affects Africa at twice the world rate. (Sustainable Food Systems)

*Africa is losing 3.9 million hectares of forest every year. (Ressources Magazine)

*Deforestation brings new diseases, such as COVID-19. When habitats are disrupted, animals come in contact with people and spread new diseases onto the human race. Many believe this is how HIV and the Ebola virus spread. (FutureLearn)

The data above is not really in dispute. If it were, the argument would not be about whether or not it was happening. What is clearly not in dispute is that these are disastrous figures and information that should shake us at our very core. While there are efforts to reverse this, the Amazon decreasing deforestation by two thirds is simply not enough. What is the United States doing about it? Is there really enough awareness among the citizens to gain support for solutions? What are the potential solutions for the U.S. as well as other countries that need our assistance and leadership?

If it is the belief that the U.S. should lead the way, then the U.S. is going to have to put pressure on other countries and resource providers to assist them, as well as take care of its own backyard. Since we can all agree that this is one of the main culprits of climate change and global warming, it should not be so difficult to garner the political capital in order to make a difference. We are arguably putting billions of dollars in assistance to other programs that are not producing a dollar’s worth of results.

We can all agree that losing our forests ultimately will be our demise if not altered. Yet, we battle politically on an argument where two sides are dug in and will not budge. Meanwhile, we are wasting valuable time as the forests are vanishing right in front of our very eyes.

The problem is not just found in the U.S. Read the alarming statistics that impact us all.

*In 2019, the world lost more than 8.9 million acres of tropical rainforests. (Bloomberg)

*By 2030, there may be only 10% of the rainforests left. (The World Counts)

*Since the 1600s, the U.S. has destroyed 75% of virgin forests. (LoveToKnow)

This is the common hurdle that makes it as difficult as the climate change argument. However, this is where the U.S. can really lead the way by providing assistance, and other countries might be more accepting of the help. We need to have a “Forests for Life” program.


Solutions exist! Once the United States acknowledges that building and replenishing forests is a priority, other countries will follow if given some guidance and assistance. We have to remember that while the main issue may not exist within our country solely, the impact of other countries where the impact is larger impacts us entirely. It alters what we can and cannot do. It means that we have to ration our freedom and our way of life in order to minimize what is not being done somewhere else. Once that has been established, a plan needs to be put in place to help foster the replenishment of forests and or start new ones where they once existed. FarmBox Foods, a hydroponic growing company, has come up with a means to propagate tree seedlings. The farms can simultaneously propagate more than 9,000 tree plants within a 320 sq. foot container. It is a controlled-environment unit that can grow trees anywhere and operate off grid in areas that do not have a secure or reliable source of electricity. The farms operate with minimal water usage, and the fact that they are transportable is a significant characteristic.

A FarmBox Foods farm can be deployed in the areas where the program will be implemented. Once the farms have done their job, they can be deployed to another location. An even greater impact would be having the farms working in other countries. Imagine Africa creating forests in areas where its sustainable. Imagine Bolivia being able to replenish its devastated forests. Imagine Haiti being able to regrow its forested lands. Imagine countries that could have the ability to harvest and restore, generating revenues and saving the planet. Once the plants have reached planting maturity, they can be placed into areas to begin creating growth of trees that will slow and eventually turn around the carbon problem the world is experiencing.


It is a little-known fact that agricultural lands are often acquired through forest devastation. Consider these facts:

*Illegal logging and agriculture are some of the main culprits for deforestation. Sadly, having fewer forests isn’t the only consequence of land clearing. The aftermath is causing disastrous effects on the entire ecosystem.

*Some 80% of the tropical rainforests are destroyed due to agriculture. (Greenpeace USA)

If the forests are being turned into agriculture, then you have to take away the incentive for why this is happening and provide agriculture that’s sustainable and does not need the space in order to grow. FarmBox Foods also can provide some solutions to curb the need to acquire huge amounts of land in order to provide the same amount of food. FarmBox Foods farms can be stacked and fill unused warehouses while providing massive amounts of food for the population in need. They can be operated in any climate and have a controlled environment, unlike traditional farming.

With a company like FarmBox Foods, you eliminate the need to clear forests, and introduce sustainability and food security with a more efficient, lower use of resources, and without pesticides and fertilizers that poison the food and the earth.


FarmBox Foods provides a means to propagate trees to be planted in order to save, replenish, or start forests that have been lost or devastated. FarmBox Foods can use the same farm to help diminish the need to clear forests to provide for lands in order to feed an ever-growing population and supply wood for the ever-increasing demand for housing and other construction. If we really want to make a change, then we need to take out the politics and turn words into action before it really is too late. As we debate the validity of climate change, time is ticking by and it could be too late. If we can really take back our forests and institute good forest management, we can begin to settle the other things that may or may not be affecting our climate and the health of our planet. If the politicians in the U.S. really want to make a difference, then they will implement sustainable container farming now and make history as the group that saved the planet. It’s clear that when the forests are gone, our planet goes with it. Then it won’t matter who was right or who was wrong.

FarmBox Foods Vision, Mission and Skill Combine into Recipe for Success

Every team needs a Jason Brown

All of Jason Brown’s professional experience has led up to this point, when the company he helped build from the ground up is on the cusp of changing the world.

There is no doubt as to the importance of Jason’s role in FarmBox Foods’ success: he designed and built from scratch the company’s prototype for its Vertical Hydroponic Farm, an innovative container farm that uses a patented tube system and a network of sensors to grow leafy greens, peppers, culinary herbs and tree saplings.

While minor tweaks have been made in recent years to improve efficiencies, the container farm’s design is largely the same as it was when it was put together piece by piece in a cramped garage in Castle Rock in 2017.

Jason’s current role as VP of Deployment for FarmBox Foods has him going on location to help clients assemble and start up their container farm operation. His favorite part of the job is empowering people by showing them how to grow their own food to feed the local community.

“Last year, I probably would have said I love building more, but now I get more pride out of helping other people do something that will have a huge impact on where they live,” Jason says.

The possibilities of container farming are seemingly endless, and FarmBox Foods and its partners are only scratching the surface on potential applications.

For as long as Jason can remember, he’s had a “mechanical mind;” as a kid, he helped his dad work on cars, and he even disassembled a VCR at the age of 10, just to see how it worked.

“I would take everything apart,” he said.

When he was in college studying biology, Jason took a welding class for fun, and it changed his entire career path. Now Jason’s expertise and love of designing, engineering, fabricating and building is leading to life-changing improvements in communities that traditionally have lacked access to nutrient-rich food. When people gain something as foundational as food security, they’re able to focus on other ways to better the lives of those living in the vicinity of the container farm.

Jason says it’s gratifying to see his creation work as intended, and to witness the multitude of side benefits that come with it, including providing jobs and educational opportunities that pass the knowledge on to the next generation of DIY agriculturists.

Having spent some time in other industries, including general contracting, forklift manufacturing, road racing and 4WD rock-crawling, Jason has found his home — and his true calling — at FarmBox Foods. With Jason’s passion and abilities helping to lead the way, FarmBox Foods has a bright future.

“I’m most excited about scaling and the possibilities of where this can go,” he said.

When he’s not working, Jason likes to do “Colorado mountain man stuff,” like fishing, hunting, hiking, four-wheeling, kayaking and mountain biking.

To learn more about the FarmBox Foods team, go to www.farmboxfoods.com/about-us/.

FarmBox Foods Vision - Jason Brown
Jason Brown has worked for FarmBox Foods since the company’s inception in 2017.

View The FarmBox Gourmet Mushroom Container Farm

View Mushroom Farm

C Lazy U Ranch Will Grow Produce for Guests with Container Farm

A historic dude ranch in the mountains of Colorado is using a high-tech container farm to broaden its focus on farm-to-table options for guests.

Having been in business for 102 years, C Lazy U Ranch in Granby has a storied reputation as a luxurious, year-round mountain getaway with 8,500 acres of land for a multitude of activities. The ranch’s culinary program is also well known for its ability to craft the perfect meal, and some of the fresh leafy greens that come with those meals will soon be grown on site in an automated Vertical Hydroponic Farm built by Colorado-based FarmBox Foods.

“We saw an opportunity with FarmBox Foods to essentially have a year-round farm-to-table option,” said Paul Klees, assistant general manager of C Lazy U Ranch.

Guests and members will have the opportunity to tour the futuristic, controlled-climate farm — based inside a repurposed shipping container — and see where the food they’re eating is grown. C Lazy U Ranch is planning to grow lettuce and culinary herbs inside the 320-square-foot farm, where the entire growing process, from seed to harvest, takes place. The sensor-based technology and insulation in the container farm are superior to greenhouses, which are susceptible to the bitter cold of the Colorado Rockies, Klees said.

Purchasing a Vertical Hydroponic Farm is “just another step in the ranch’s continuing effort to create authentic farm-to-table dining,” Klees said.

“There are economic aspects to it because we’re shipping in all of the food, including produce,” he said. “When guests eat at our restaurants, we want the meals to resonate with them, and what people are looking for is healthy, organic, fresh produce.”

The 200 horses on the property already benefit from C Lazy U’s sustainable approach to food sourcing; most of the hay they eat is grown on the ranch. C Lazy U is also supplied with water by its own spring and operates its own wastewater facilities.

The exterior of the container farm will be finished with a rustic scheme so it will easily blend in with its natural surroundings, which include a creek and historic structures.

C Lazy U began tending beehives last year, and Klees described the move as a “huge win” because both tours and ranch honey have become popular among visitors. The container farm is slated to be the next hands-on attraction at the ranch, where guests and members could have the opportunity to harvest their own veggies and prepare meals with a chef.

“It’s interactive, it’s educational, and it builds into our vision and mission statement of having a sustainable model,” Klees said.

Using Blackhawk Equipment for prefabrication, RK Mission Critical for manufacturing and assembly, and Absolute Logistics for transport, the container farm is scheduled for delivery in mid-August.

Growing the Trees Needed for Reforestation Efforts

ReforestationWhen considering reforestation, the blue spruce is the largest known tree of its species in the country. This tree is recognized not only for its size but also the critical ecosystem services that it provides, such as food and shelter for wildlife, water purification abilities, and its role in absorbing CO2 from our atmosphere and storing carbon in its wood, according to AmericanForests.org.

Our Vertical Hydroponic Farm (VHF) farm is capable of housing up to 4,800 seeds in the seed table and 4,104 plants in the grow walls.  The farm’s climate can be adjusted to provide the ideal temperature, watering schedule, and nutrients for successful tree production. With a germination period of 10-14 days and a 95% success rate, followed by 60 days in the grow walls, FarmBox Foods makes reforestation possible anywhere, anytime, year-round. Annually grow up to 35,000 trees in 320 square feet while using only 3-5 gallons of water per day.

  • Efficiently manage the labor of your farm averaging 8-10 hours per week with the ability to remotely monitor your farms conditions.

  • One full time employee can effectively manage up to 4 farms, producing up to 140,000 saplings annually.

  • Greatly reduces the labor and need for acreage compared to traditional nurseries, while providing the ideal climate needs through any season in any location.

Traditional tree nurseries, when funded under federal or state cost-share programs, are required to have a minimum of 300 well-spaced seedlings per acre (1 acre = 43,560 square feet) in the first growing season.  Tree spacing most commonly used ranges from 435 to 726 trees per acre for reforestation purposes as well as wildlife enhancement programs.  In the FarmBox Foods Vertical Hydroponic Farm, you can accommodate over 8,900 seedlings and saplings in 320 square feet.

Impacts of climate change

Climate change is leading to unprecedented threats to our forests, including rising temperatures, prolonged drought, increased pests, and larger, more severe wildfires.  As of 2021, 128 million acres in the United States have the potential to be reforested.  To fulfill half of this need, we have to more than double our current production

National labor shortages are cited as the largest barrier to expanded seedling production.  Workforce limitations, including seasonal laborers, are a significant factor across America’s nursery infrastructure.  Retiring institutional knowledge is also creating additional barriers for successful operations to continue at today’s demands.

Disease and insect infestation kill more trees annually than forest fires.  When temps are high and tree sap is flowing, leaves and fruits are in full bloom. These are all attractants to tree-killing bugs.  The recent epidemic of pine beetles is a prime example of the devastation a little bug can wreak on tree populations.  Millions of trees were lost to the mountain pine beetle alone over the last 20 years. 

Fire is an inevitable part of what makes a forest a forest.  However, climate change and other human activity has been enabling even naturally caused fires to occur more frequently and intensely.  Wildfires also burn the carbon stored in trees and soil, releasing large amounts of smoke, methane and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which impacts the overall global temperature. 

Trees grown in a Vertical Hydroponic Farm can have a significant impact on revitalizing these forests and restoring the overall ecosystem.

Projected Water Scarcity Prompts Need for Farming Ingenuity

Projected Water Scarcity - FarmBox FoodsProjected Water Scarcity – The common refrain that fresh water is the next gold is ringing true as drastic changes in our climate are resulting in greater competition and a need for more efficient water uses, especially in the agricultural industry.

National Geographic points out that while the amount of fresh water on the planet has remained fairly constant over time — continually recycling through the atmosphere and back into our oceans, lakes and rivers — the global population has exploded in the last century. This means that competition for a clean supply of water for drinking, cooking, bathing and sustaining life intensifies every year. There is only so much water to go around.

Essentially, when taking saltwater into account, only about .007 percent of the earth’s water supply is usable for the planet’s 6.8 billion (and counting) people, National Geographic says.

The vast majority of freshwater  — about 70 percent by most estimates — is used for agriculture, and when you consider that feeding a planet of 9 billion people in 2050 will require an estimated 50 percent increase in agricultural production and a corresponding 15 percent increase in water withdrawals, the future becomes a lot clearer, according to World Bank.

Without proper governance, there is likely to be increased competition for water between sectors and an escalation of water crises of various kinds, triggering emergencies in a range of water-dependent sectors, according to a U.N. report.

Emerging technologies are quickly trying to find ways to get the most bang for each drop of water. Efficiencies have been identified, including vertical hydroponic farming, which drastically reduces the amount of water needed to grow crops. FarmBox Foods, a Colorado company that builds automated hydroponic farms inside repurposed shipping containers, has set its sights on creating a tangible shift in the approach to farming.

FarmBox Foods’ innovative, closed-watering system only uses 3-5 gallons of water per day and it does not contribute to groundwater contamination the way that traditional farming does. Furthermore, one farm is able to produce the same yield as 2 – 2.5 acres of farmland on an annual basis.

“Our container farms are built in such a way that it takes only a fraction of the amount of water to grow that same amount of produce,” said Rusty Walker, CEO of FarmBox Foods.

Climate change is projected to increase the number of water-stressed regions and exacerbate shortages in already water-stressed regions. It’s those regions that will realize the most benefit from vertical hydroponic farming and more efficient water usage in general.

An integrated view on water, the biosphere and environmental flows is necessary to devise sustainable agricultural and economic systems that will allow us to decelerate climate change, protect us from extremes and adapt to the unavoidable at the same time, the U.N. says.

The automated hydroponic farms use approximately 90 percent less water than traditional farms, and have a secondary benefit, as they can grow trees that contribute to the overall health of the environment by helping reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. One container farm from FarmBox Foods can grow 35,000 tree saplings per year.

For more information, go to www.UNwater.org or www.FarmBoxFoods.com.

Natural Grocers Growing Its GardenBox Program

Lakewood, Colo.Michael Boardman knows it takes exactly 82 steps to get from the GardenBox to the produce display at Natural Grocers’ store in Green Mountain – Lakewood.

Boardman manages the first of what could eventually be more Natural Grocers GardenBoxes, a shipping container-based farm that grows several organic lettuce varieties right behind the store it supplies. That means instead of spending about 10 days going from a farm to a distribution center to a truck to a display case — losing about half of its nutritional value and shelf life in the process — the fresh greens go immediately from the container farm to the aisle.

That’s how Boardman knows it takes precisely 82 steps to walk to what ends up being a vibrant, colorful produce display: he’s done it a few times.

The use of a GardenBox could be a sign of what’s to come. More retailers (and consumers, for that matter) that specialize in healthy living are learning that produce doesn’t need to be shipped in from elsewhere. Natural Grocers is taking its pilot program to the next level, with the help of Colorado-based FarmBox Foods, an innovative company that designs, builds and sells the automated, controlled-climate container farms.

Boardman is creating the GardenBox playbook from scratch. He spent weeks developing a nutrient blend that allows Natural Grocers leafy greens to maintain their certified organic status, while enabling the produce to thrive in a hydroponic farm. So far, the company has tried 8 types of lettuce with great success.

To help promote the idea of produce growing outside the store where it’s sold, Natural Grocers gave away about 1,000 heads of lettuce in late June. The produce is now being sold at the Green Mountain – Lakewood location.

“People have loved it. They have been really impressed with it. It’s definitely a much better tasting green, and it’s fresher,” he said.

Boardman, who has spent 8 years with Natural Grocers and also has a background as a produce buyer, said there are “very few products on the market that are living,” pointing out that shoppers who buy heads of lettuce grown in a GardenBox can actually keep them alive in water until they’re eaten.

From alkindus, brentwood to hampton lettuce and mirlo lettuce, there’s plenty to be excited about. Boardman, who particularly enjoys the incredibly flavorful Marciano red butterhead lettuce grown in the GardenBox, says his favorite aspect of the process has been learning what works best to get the plants to thrive.

“Figuring out the solution to it, how to do this organically and sustainably, and watching this grow and be successful has been the best part,” he said.

The Vertical Hydroponic Farm used to grow the produce can simultaneously hold about 11,000 plants in various stages of growth, including about 7,000 seedlings. The plants go from seed to harvest all within the 320-square-foot space in the GardenBox purchased from FarmBox Foods. It’s a game-changer for helping decentralize the food supply chain and empowering individual communities.

To learn more, go to www.naturalgrocers.com/gardenbox. For more information about FarmBox Foods, visit www.farmboxfoods.com.

Prototype Vertical Hydroponic System at Valor Christian High School

Valor Christian High SchoolSEDALIA, Colo. – Valor Christian High School has a project-based learning environment that is helping to lead the next generation of agriculturists to the greener pastures of the future.

The Applied STEM Program, led by director Rick Russon, enables students to put into practice what they learn in the classroom, preparing them for successful careers in a number of industries, including agriculture. Members of Valor’s agriculture club, in particular, have an infectious enthusiasm for ideas that combine brain power with a desire to make a positive impact on the world, and it’s already leading to groundbreaking results. For their capstone project, Russon and the club members built a four-tube vertical hydroponic unit using prototype parts donated by FarmBox Foods.

“I told Tony I’d like to have a farm here, but I don’t have the money to do that,” Russon said, referring to FarmBox Foods founder Tony English, whom he met on LinkedIn.

The unit — based at the school — began producing huge quantities of fresh lettuce, and quickly grabbed the attention of students and faculty at the private Highlands Ranch school. Russon estimates that more than two dozen teachers have approached him about constructing a home unit for them. FarmBox Foods also shared the know-how and the tools necessary for students to conduct “shoebox mycology” experiments, and soon, the Valor students were growing gourmet mushrooms on a small scale in their classroom.

Russon’s foray into academia was not exactly planned. He volunteered to be a parent advisor, and that quickly morphed into a role as director of the Applied STEM Program, where he and the students have flourished.

“I have always loved gardening and growing things,” Russon said. “I brought in some projects from home and the students saw a germination station I brought in and said ‘can we grow something?’ That’s how the agriculture club started.”

Now, Russon, who in his professional career has helped lead innovative projects related to tank gun stabilization, torpedo guidance and even flight simulations for NASA’s first five space shuttle missions, is developing a control system for an 8-tube vertical hydroponic system using Raspberry Pi controllers typically used in video game systems. It will help run a network of sensors that monitor temperature, nutrient levels and pH, and control ventilation fans and full- spectrum LED lights also used by FarmBox Foods. The Applied STEM Program is aiming to modify the four-tube hydroponic system and build several models to bring them into food deserts to feed people in need. Valor Christian sends nearly 40 teams throughout the world each year on missions, and Russon’s hope is that they can help deploy a workable system in areas with little arable land and few resources.

The Valor-based vertical hydroponic setup, meanwhile, continues to draw interest from students and faculty who want to grow their own farm-fresh greens and potentially help others learn the science behind the hydroponic growing process.

“I feel honored to have this (system),” Russon said. “Someday when FarmBox is enormous, I’ll be able to say we had this.”

Ongoing Shipping Logjam Makes a Case for Decentralized Food Supply

SEDALIA, Colo. – A post-pandemic resurgence in sales across multiple industries has put an unprecedented strain on shipping, and the logjam shows few signs of easing. 

In recent months, ships have stacked up at ports worldwide, waiting weeks to deliver their imported goods. Likewise, demand for flatbed trucks and dry vans has skyrocketed, resulting in longer delivery timeframes and significant logistical entanglements. 


According to the American Trucking Associations, a national trade association for the trucking industry, manufacturing output is expected to rise by 7.2% in 2021. The transportation system’s capacity is being tested, and for those shipping food, it’s becoming an even tougher task to get goods from point A to point B. The ever-increasing rate of online sales and consumers’ growing expectations of quick delivery have resulted in a reprioritization of what is shipped and when.


The American Trucking Associations anticipates a 3.7% rise in food manufacturing this year, and U.S. exports of food could climb as much as 10%. 


It’s only in times like these that massive shifts in behavior manifest themselves, and the idea of decentralizing the food supply chain begins to look better and better. For businesses that grow produce in the communities where that food is then consumed, the shipping challenges are a peripheral issue.


FarmBox Foods, a Colorado-based company that builds automated farms inside repurposed shipping containers and sends them to food deserts around the world, has had its eye on decentralization from the start. The company’s leaders say empowering communities by placing container farms within a short distance of consumers could have positive ramifications on low-income populations for decades to come, and render supply chain woes inconsequential.

“We’ve got an unpredictable supply chain with a bunch of variables, and the expenses can add up quickly,” said Rusty Walker, CEO of FarmBox Foods and a veteran of the supply chain industry. “Our solution makes things more reliable and eliminates some of these vulnerabilities.”

The strategic placement of controlled-climate container farms in places that have traditionally lacked access to farm-fresh food has side benefits, like lower cost for food, a reduction in the burning of fossil fuels to transport goods, a longer shelf life for the produce, educational opportunities for local populations, and greater nutritional bang for your buck because the fruits and vegetables won’t lose any of their nutritional value while in transit.

It also allows consumers to sidestep the headaches that arise when a backlog in the shipping industry puts everyone else at a standstill.

Christian Riders in Faith Donation Helps Feed People in Need

Christian Riders in FaithSometimes a helping hand goes a long way. On June 22, members of the FarmBox Foods team brought a dozen boxes of fresh-picked vegetables from one of its Vertical Hydroponic Farms to the Christian Riders in Faith Motorcycle Ministry in Denver. The ministry hands out boxes of food to those in need every other Tuesday, and in just the first 30 minutes, more than 50 boxes were given out.

There is a critical need for fresh produce in low-income areas, and FarmBox Foods was humbled to be involved in such a good cause. It was an example of one of the ways in which FarmBox Foods and its customers can partner with nonprofits to get nutritious food in the right hands. The kind people at Christian Riders in Faith M/M are truly on to something. They recognize the need in their community and work hard to provide a balanced selection of foods in the boxes they give out.