Sustainable Food Production Isn’t Just Possible, It’s Inevitable

The idea of adopting sustainable practices in food production to address critical environmental, social and economic challenges has until recently been seen as a pipe dream, an impenetrable barrier to progress.

There’s concern about costs and whether implementation would be widespread enough to result in noticeable change. But as tech has advanced and prices have slowly come down, this is something that’s within our grasp and something we should expect to see in our lifetimes.

Sustainable food production minimizes environmental degradation by promoting practices that conserve soil fertility, reduce water usage, and mitigate the use of harmful pesticides and fertilizers. Prioritizing ecological balance helps safeguard biodiversity, maintain ecosystems and combat climate change. This is crucial for ensuring the long-term viability of our planet and securing the availability of natural resources for future generations. We don’t want to be remembered as the generation that had the opportunity to do something, but squandered it.

Sustainable food production has significant social implications. It fosters equitable distribution of resources, promotes fair labor practices and supports local communities. Sustainable agriculture often involves small-scale, community-based farming that empowers local producers and reduces dependence on large-scale, industrialized farming systems. This not only strengthens local economies but also enhances food security by diversifying sources and reducing vulnerability to external shocks, such as the supply chain disruptions that crippled our food systems during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Adopting sustainable practices in food production is essential for addressing global food security challenges. As the world’s population continues to grow, ensuring a stable and sufficient food supply is going to become more difficult. Sustainable agriculture emphasizes efficiency and resilience, optimizing yields while minimizing negative impacts on the environment. By embracing methods such as agroecology, organic farming, and precision agriculture, we can create a more robust and resilient food system capable of meeting the nutritional needs of a growing population without compromising the health of the planet. Again, this is achievable with a little bit of political will and a whole lot of education.

Sustainable food production is also economically prudent. While initial investments may be required to transition to sustainable practices, the long-term benefits far outweigh the costs. Sustainable agriculture, like farming in controlled-climate shipping containers, reduces reliance on expensive inputs, maintains soil health for traditional growing, and promotes resource efficiency, leading to increased productivity and decreased production costs over time.

It opens up new market opportunities as consumers increasingly prioritize sustainably produced goods, creating a positive feedback loop that encourages businesses to adopt environmentally and socially responsible practices. It’s already happening in the U.S. People have shown a willingness to incorporate changes into their own lives, and they’re more cognizant about where their food comes from. Taking a holistic approach isn’t some esoteric, “hippie-dippie” idea anymore. Creating an equitable future for both people and the planet, while expanding access to nutritionally dense foods, isn’t just achievable, it’s imperative.

FarmBox Foods Joins the International Phytobiomes Alliance

FarmBox Foods has joined the International Alliance for Phytobiomes Research as a sponsoring partner and is set to participate in groundbreaking studies that will examine sustainable food production.

The Phytobiomes Alliance facilitates and coordinates national and international research projects on phytobiomes to accelerate the sustainable production of food, feed, and fiber for all. The term “Phytobiome” refers to a plant growing in a specific environment (a biome), and all the geophysical and biological components that interact with this plant.

Colorado-based FarmBox Foods takes upcycled shipping containers and transforms them into controlled-climate container farms in which mushrooms, leafy greens, culinary herbs, micro greens, peppers, fodder, and other plants can be sustainably grown. This ground-breaking production solution provides an efficient way for local communities to grow healthy food, with low energy and water usage.

“We are thrilled to have FarmBox Foods join the Alliance,” said Kellye Eversole, the Alliance Executive Director.“Their innovative container farms are a perfect example of a phytobiome. FarmBox Foods’ expertise will be an invaluable addition to our scientific Coordinating Committee, helping us to advance our understanding of the various components impacting plant production in a closed environment as well as in the field. FarmBox Foods is also pioneering the production of livestock fodder in containers and we look forward to working with them to find plant/microbe-based solutions to challenges facing the livestock industry, such as the need to reduce methane production, increase overall livestock health, and improve feed efficiency.”

Joseph Cammack, FarmBox Foods Executive Vice President, will be joining the Alliance Coordinating Committee. This Committee identifies research, resource and technology gaps, establishes priorities, and develops strategic plans to achieve Alliance goals. Cammack will also be joining the Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) Working Group that is tasked with identifying major CEA challenges that could be addressed by phytobiomes research.

“The work that the Phytobiomes Alliance is doing is critically important as our world population surges and sustainable food production becomes more of a priority,” said Cammack. “We are excited to be involved in research that helps overcome challenges in our space and strengthens our industry as a whole.”

Over the next decades, understanding entire systems of phytobiomes will be critical to ensuring sustainable global food security in the context of population growth, climate change, the necessity to preserve biodiversity and natural resources, while maintaining or enhancing grower profitability. The Phytobiomes Alliance is working on addressing these challenges by establishing a foundation of knowledge on how phytobiome components interact and affect each other.