Is Vertical Hydroponic Farming the Future of Agriculture?

vertical hydroponic farm - vertical hydroponicsVertical Hydroponics is needed – We face multiple agriculture-related obstacles in the fight to feed the world’s increasing population: climate change, lack of farmable space, water usage, supply chain concerns, and food contamination. 

Climate Change

We all know that climate change is causing increasing temperatures across the globe. Another unfortunate but less talked about issue caused by higher temperatures is an increase in pests. Our farms are built inside sturdy, insulated shipping containers, making them immune to the weather unpredictability and pest infestations that plague traditional farming.

Available Space

The UN reports that by 2050, the world’s population will reach nine billion, and food production will need to increase by seventy percent. To meet this increase in food production, farmers will need more land, but there is unfortunately not enough farmable land to meet this need. Hydroponic vertical farms can be placed in nearly any location and are stackable for added efficiency. Inner cities, drought-stricken areas, places with extreme temperatures, and hard to reach locations are not an issue for these types of farms.

Water Usage & Contamination

Traditional agriculture is the number one user of the Earth’s freshwater. A NASA report states that the demand for freshwater will increase by 55% by 2050. Water shortages are already a concern in the United States as well as in developing countries. These shortages will only get worse as many areas continue to suffer from widespread and long-lasting droughts. Vertical farming drastically reduces the amount of water needed to grow crops — FarmBox Foods’ innovative, closed watering system only uses 3-5 gallons of water per day and does not contribute to groundwater contamination.

Supply Chain Concerns

Our farms can be placed near distribution centers, schools, grocery stores, and shelters. By using a farm-to-table approach, produce from the farm can be served at your table the same day it is harvested. Not only does this allow the plants to keep all of their nutrients, but it cuts down on plastic packaging and transportation costs. Food Safety Studies show that foodborne illnesses sicken 1 in 10 people across the globe and kill 420,000 people every year. Some causes of foodborne illness include bacteria, viruses, chemicals, parasites, and cross-contamination.

Food Safety

is a top priority at FarmBox Foods. We have multiple systems in place to ensure that only clean water reaches the crops, and we have procedures in place to prevent other types of contamination.

Smart Farm Technology gives the farmer complete control over temperature, humidity, LED growing lights, and watering schedules. The ability to make adjustments as needed not only increases plant growth but gives consistency in plant production. Our farms are only 320 square feet, stackable, and compatible with nearly any environment. Low water usage and multiple filtration systems mean our farms only require 3-5 gallons of water per day, with no worries about contamination. We believe that this combination of innovation, creativity, and sustainability makes vertical hydroponic farming the future of agriculture.

Underserved Communities Use Vertical Farming

Vertical farming is a solution that holds a lot of promise. Not only do low-income areas deal with a lack of usable space for farming, but changing weather conditions can make it nearly impossible to grow in the colder months. As the cost of fresh food continues to rise, vulnerable populations are forced to consume more fat and sugar-filled foods than ever, leading to an increase in diabetes, obesity, and other diet-related diseases. The good news is that there is a solution.


How Can We Eliminate Food Deserts?

Unfortunately, it is common to find food deserts in most inner cities. The US is growing more food than ever, yet we still have people going hungry. In 2019, 35 million people in the United States had limited or uncertain access to food. Putting vertical hydroponic and mushroom farms in underserved areas will provide food security to areas that are underserved and struggle with access to nutritious, fresh food.


Is There Room For A Farm?

Our farms have a footprint of 320 square feet. They can be stacked, have the capacity to run on solar power, and can be deployed just about anywhere. Our small footprint does not mean small yields, however. Vertical grow tubes, LED grow lights, and multiple fans allow for faster and more efficient growth than with traditional farming.


Don’t Farms Use A Lot Of Water?

Another benefit of vertical hydroponic farming in urban areas is that very little water is required. By cutting out soil and incorporating a closed-loop watering system, the plants not only need less water to grow, but the water is recycled, cleaned, and reused.



It’s Too Cold To Farm!

Another benefit of vertical hydroponic farming in urban areas is that very little water is required. By cutting out soil and incorporating a closed-loop watering system, the plants not only need less water to grow, but the water is recycled, cleaned, and reused.


What’s Wrong With Just Buying Produce From The Grocery Store?

Fresher produce means healthier produce! By the time produce reaches grocery stores, it can be up to a week old – this means lost nutrients. Growing produce in the area where it will be consumed means you can enjoy food that is full of vitamins and other nutrients. With FarmBox Foods, we can place farms in the city, giving the community access to fresh, nutritious produce while reducing the environmental impact of transporting produce from rural areas.


Still Not Sure?

Placing farms in low-income areas improves food security, provides jobs to residents, aids in educating the community on farming and nutrition, and boosts the local economy. At FarmBox Foods, our goal is to decentralize food systems and give power back to the consumers. We want to bring food security to people everywhere regardless of their location or socioeconomic background.


Non-Profit Organizations & FarmBox Foods

Non-Profit Organizations and FarmBox FoodsFarming may not seem like an obvious choice for a non-profit organization, but there are huge potential benefits for your organization and the communities you serve when you team up with FarmBox Foods.


Community Engagement

If placed on a school campus, students can enjoy hands-on lessons in agriculture. Children who help to grow fruits, vegetables and mushrooms are not only more likely to eat healthier foods, but they learn about the benefits of a healthy diet. Multiple studies have proven that hands-on learning not only increases test scores but also improves attentiveness in children. There is also the added benefit that the food grown can be sold in the school cafeteria with the proceeds funding extracurricular activities and school clubs.


You will also have the opportunity to hire local residents to work on the farm providing employment and increasing community involvement with your non-profit organization. Additionally, surplus yields can be sold at a local farmer’s market, providing fresh produce to the community and boosting the local economy.

Tax Exemption

Our farms qualify for tax exemptions under Tax Code 179, one of the few government incentives for small and large businesses alike. This tax code allows businesses to deduct the full price of qualifying equipment from their organization’s gross income in the first year of operation.


Don’t know where to begin? FarmBox foods has a highly skilled setup crew that will take care of installing the farm and training your team. We offer training guides, online learning options, and quick guides to help you along the way. Our team is ready to assist you with all aspects of running your new farm, so reach out to us today to get started!